1.Last Digit : Last Digit Prediction can be set in this section
2.Statistic : The first and second statistics are for making predictions based on the more dominant Over and Under numbers
3.Safety Run : To limit Open positions when market conditions are not good, to activate it, fill it with 1, deactivate it, fill it with 0
4.Pending Duration: Almost the same as Safety Run, but does not stop operation. If market conditions are not good, the bot will wait for the next Open position until the pending duration ends (Duration in Ticks). You can set in this section how long the bot will wait to run again
5.Smart win : If activated, the bot will look for wins that are more than losses, to enable it, fill it with 1
This bot uses complex analysis techniques, resulting in tremendous success. By calculating the latest Digit statistics in real-time and making Over/Under predictions instantly, it gives you unmatched trading advantages.
Trusted by traders and investors, WD DERIV BOT OVER UNDER Smart Prediction V2.5 is a reliable and invaluable tool for those who want to be confident in trading Over Under contract types.
Get it now
Get 2 Bot at once with settings that have been adjusted for low initial capital to generate big profits
V 2.5.1 uses Over 2 - Under 7
V 2.5.2 uses Over 3 - Under 6
Download Now WD DERIV BOT OVER UNDER Smart Prediction V2.5
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Email: e.wandi@ymail.com
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